05 July 2007

A Birthday Blog

Rachel will celebrate her 40th birthday on the 16th of July, 2007. 42 people have written notes, letters, wishes, poems and their thoughts on this blog.
40 + photos that are either of Rach or about the people and places closest to Rach can be found on this site.
The right-hand column has a bit more information about the 42 (supposed to be 40, but who am I to say who is really important to Rach) fantastic people who did all the work, 40 of the best quotes from all of you, 40 places that are part of Rach's life and 40 words that go a long way in describing what kind of person she is.
Rach, I hope this blog makes you laugh, cry, cringe, smile (The pictures of you as a very small child definitely made me smile!), reflect and ponder. It got a lot of people thinking about you and just what you mean to them.
Rick was the first one to send his letter in, and I knew this was going to be great! Along the way, everyone did their part. Finally, number 40 arrived, it was Anne (Ellen and Herwig were then 41 and 42 after Rach and I had gone away for the weekend!). When I read it, I knew it was worth waiting for. Rach, your wedding speech touched a lot of people. Anne's comment about that speech brought back some great memories.
To those of you who read through all of this site, the answer is yes. She really is this fantastic. Putting this together has shown me the way that others feel about Rach, and maybe, just maybe, it has helped me better understand how I feel about her.
Thanks very much to all of you who helped out, contributed, contacted other people who I couldn't find and generally made this possible (Belinda, Denise, you know who you are!). I know it means the world to Rach!

1 Jak When I told Jak about how this would all work, he said, "No, I will make my Mummy a card." Which he then went to the sitting room, sat down, made the front of the card. It had a small mistake, so he tore it up and started over. Then he made the inside. He is not one to be told how to do things. Thank god for that fact!

2 Warren

Dear Rachel

Well I’ve heard that you have a big birthday coming up. Yes I know how hard it is for a woman to turn thirty years old, but hey look it on the bright side, you have a husband that is 10 years older than you, but to tell you the truth it looks more like you guy’s are 15 or 20 years apart (Alex no worry you still look good for your age, but it is not my fault if you’re wife looks a lot better :)
That being said, I know that Alex realizes how wonderful you have been for him, he has changed since he met you (in a good way) and when I see you together I am happy to see that he’s giving as much back to you (or at least I think so).
I regret that we haven’t been able to see each other and when we do it is way too far apart, so I promise I will work on this a make a point to come and visit a little more often
Have a wonderful Birthday and I hope to talk to you soon


3 Simon He is the little guy next to Rach on the right. As you can see from the second picture of him below, he is experienced at birthdays.
So here I am sat here at my computer. Alex has phoned me to ask for me to compile a short letter to give to Rachel as one of 40 letters from people who know her on the event of her 40th birthday.
So where do I start? I mean, how exactly do you break down, into one simple letter, someone you have known all your life?. Someone you have grown up with. Someone who has seen you change from a snotty nosed little cub scout into a married man with two children while I watched my big sister grow up to be an independent, confident career woman and a wonderful mother and devoted wife.
It would be so easy to recall the childhood stories of how she once rolled her wet biscuits in the sand pit to make them more crunchy, how it took me ages to forgive her for making mum & dad fill in our fantastic underground camp after being caught snogging Neil in the dark, her love of snoopy and rainbows, or how she kept a shrine of memento's, including an old gum wrapper, from Collin, her first ever boyfriend, but of course that would just be too easy!!
We have shared so many private moments together, the sort of moments that only a brother and sister can do. We have enjoyed the amazing highs together and been there to support each other through the difficult lows. We have seen each other make endless mistakes, sometimes from afar and others first hand, yet nothing has ever managed to ultimately get between us or break the unbreakable bond.
So Alex thanks for the opportunity to put my thoughts into words but I simply cannot. My sister means more to me than any page of writing, email or text can ever cover.
She is my sister, my friend, my confidante, and on the event of her 40th birthday there is only one thing that I will ever need to say, Rach I love you.


4 Jilly G.

So Rach – the big 40! Oh stop it I hear you say!
Alex, your lovely husband with that sexy crooked smile you fell for, has asked us to write a piece each for your 40th blog present. So here goes….
We’ve had conversations in the past haven’t we about how one can go through life meeting all sorts of people and then just occasionally you meet someone new who you know is going to become an important friend. It’s just a gut feeling with me but usually it holds true. And that was the case when I first met you.
In a way, houses were our first link. We seriously looked at Walnut Cottage when I was pregnant with Josie in 1999 long before we even met you, and loved it. Then a few years later you bought it. We put North Farm Barns up for sale in 2005, you came round to view it! I remember warmly greeting you like you were an old friend somehow and we haven’t really looked back.
I really value your friendship, your honesty, your passion for those you care about, your love of animals and nature, the laughs we have and I value the friendship our families have with one another. Long may it continue and I wonder what technology Alex will be using to help you celebrate your 80th!
With lots and lots of love
Jilly xx

5 Sheila
Well what can I say Rach .. at least now you cannot make all those jokes about me being old(er) , over the hill as you are now over the hill with me too!!
When I took a step back to think how long we have been friends I hadn’t realised how quickly the time has gone past (and how long it has really been). Almost 15 years ago you walked into Welcome Break for your interview and, as you know when I heard that you had been offered the Personnel Office role my only thoughts were oh god no! now I’ll have to get up every morning and a) do my hair and b) put some make-up on in order to keep up with the Jones’s (that’s you). I don’t think that a) and b) lasted very long for me but I have fond memories of you getting your lippy out during the day at work to renew the latest colour that you had bought- that and the copious amounts of tea that we seemed to consume from day one of meeting. I didn’t know at the time that my new and very glamorous Hr colleague was to become an instant friend and my best friend (that is as soppy as I get) for the last decade and I hope for many more to come.
All I can say now is I hope you have a WONDERFUL 40th BIRTHDAY , enjoy every minute, especially all the pressies! I hope it is as good as mine was last year and our trip to Venice.
One last thing – I’ll save the bumps for you until after you have had the baby – something else to look forward for later this year.
PS Darren says that you are still sexy Rach even if you did wear the blue uniform at Welcome Break . Why didn’t I keep any photos ??
PPS Kisses from Kylie for Auntie Rach – she wants to come and see the baby in your tummy ( how about next weekend – I’ll drop her off on Friday and pick her up on Sunday ??)
Lots of Birthday love and kisses


6 Dad

Just a few thoughts about my wonderful daughter whom I love dearly.
Well from a small baby who was reluctant to enter into this world at the correct birthing time, she has certainly matured. Mum has written a full summary of your life with I expect minute to minute detail, so I doubt if I can add much more.
Rachel has always worked hard, even when we were building things like the back patio or levelling the back lawn. By sitting in the wheelbarrow or even cooling off in a bucket. As I sit writing these few notes I can glance to the wall in the dining area and see three framed pictures of a beautiful young lady smiling over her lunch and receiving her university degree – no mean achievement.
After various jobs from working in Oxford at a French patissierie and going home with end of day cakes on the moped to then working at Forte, she has for the last few years been the HR Director at the Blue Cross. I am very proud of you Rach! This goes to show what an intelligent person she is and I know she is thought of highly at The Blue Cross.
Now she is married to Alex and this is the best thing that has happened to her and I wish them happiness in all they do and achieve.
She has a lovely son, Jak, and a second child is well on the way with ( India , Penelope, Charlie, etc?) and Mum and I look forward to our new granddaughter.
Mum has told me that in her writing, she missed out most of the holidays we took when you were a child, from camping and caravanning in the New Forest to a holiday in Spain where Rachel and Simon disowned us for some reason!
Mum also missed out on various boyfriends and I will say nothing, since I already had a small heart attack 20 years ago, I try to live for the present and I think your future with Alex and family will be great.
I will finish for now as I feel that this short report of my feelings will ramble on and on.
Have a wonderful birthday and just remember I love you so much.
(blimey, 40!)



7 Elena

Rachel, I just wanted to say to you how much I love you and that I hope you have a nice birthday. I am telling you this on my dad's recorder. I love you and you are the best step mum in the whole world. I know that my dad is going to let you name the baby our favourite name.

I love you.


8 Margaret

I have known Rachel-Jane (I have my own Rachel, hence the double name) since she was a tiny scrap (and before!) and have had the privilege of being her godmother with all the advantages but without the day to day problems of upbringing! She always made me think of Maria – how do you hold a wave upon the sand / catch a cloud and pin it down / keep a moonbeam in your hand? She was a lively, vivacious tomboy with a passion for creatures and nature, forever in mud and rivers. Who but this young eco-rescuer could have persuaded us to collect a tankful of ‘roman’ snails, with half a ton of limestone to live on, and bring them home to a remote village in the Pennines in order to rescue them before they were collected for her local restaurant? Many other creatures came into her life, though few, I believe, have had more impact than her beloved Kissty (yes, she did kiss!) the golden spaniel with a tuft, a smile and a long tongue! Rachel was a Brownie – who persuaded my 6year old daughter to buy a white fur coat at a jumble sale?
Then the teenage years with more adventures, exams, excitement, friends and the inevitable problems. And a family from whom to launch herself on to these activities and to whom she could retreat when she needed support and love without question!
And now adulthood with all its ups and downs, responsibilities and fun. Who but Rachel could have lived in a tiny cottage in Bunny Row, and had a dog who swallowed frogs whole then let them go again? And now there’s a ‘grown-up’ house, Jak, and her wonderful Alex and Little X! AND a fortieth birthday!
Travel safely, Rachel-Jane, God Bless!
With our love,

Dave and Margaret

9 Mum

Rachel emerged into the world reluctantly, just after 6 pm on Sunday, July 16th, 1967, weighing 6 pounds, 10 ounces.
Ten days later, her father and I brought her home from the hospital. Her dad, as a surprise for me, had decorated her bedroom with walls covered in pink and blue cat wallpaper and built units so that she could be bathed there. She was just like a beautiful doll, so perfect.!

Her grandpa, my father, loved her at first sight and she him. Some of her first words were “ampa” and “brm, brm” when she heard his car come.
Unfortunately, he died the day after her first birthday, happy that he had been able to make it home from the hospital for her first birthday party.
She learned to talk very early, being able to hold a real conversation and re-tell stories at 18 months.
Soon after her third birthday, her brother Simon was born. I did not notice any resentment over his coming and while I fed him, Rachel began to read. She had shown an early ability to read, when at 18 months, after being shown her name, she picked out the R in the word STEREO and said “that’s my name.”
Very soon she was writing short words and by the time she went to school at age five, she knew all her phonic sounds and could write in sentences.
Rachel was always fascinated with nature. She kept and bred Roman snails and had a particular once called Professor Humphrey which she carried at full length on her arm. She was featured on a BBC radio Oxford programme about nature at the age of six. She talked about her Roman snails with Ken Jackson, a well known naturist. In addition, she had slow-worms as pets, rabbits, chickens guinea pigs, a hamster and lots of dogs. When Rachel was nine, Simon was given a rescue dog, Tina. Tina soon produced three puppies. Shortly thereafter, she picked up some rat poison, and despite the best efforts of the vet, Tina died during the night while lying in Rachel’s bed. It was a horrible death which had a huge impact on Rach, especially as one of the pups had to be put to sleep and another of them was badly damaged with jerking throughout her body.
The trauma and distress of Tina and the puppies misfortune led Rachel to soon take on the responsibility of keeping us all safe through the night. She believed that she alone could do this. This involved a series of rituals that could last up to an hour and a half before we could all go to sleep, with Rach satisfied that we were all going to make it through the night!
As a teenager, Rach got Florin, lovely 4-year-old chestnut mare. She had a lovely nature but was a very strong ride. We gave over our vegetable garden as a paddock and put up a stable.
That horse would be her constant companion over the next years.
During her first year at sixth form, she was recommended to apply to Oxford University, but after a few days decided that it was not for her.
The rest of her life is, as they say, history. I hope she can re-call all the events of her adulthood.

I just want to say that I am immensely proud of her so glad that she chose me to be her mother. I give her immense love and my hopes that happiness will follow her through the next 60 years!


10 Lucy and Steve

Dear Rachel

Apparently this is where life begins (!)
Looking forward, you enter your forties with a wonderful husband, a beautiful son (I think we have a pair of his boxer shorts), a lovely step-daughter and step-son, and an arriving daughter. I think that sounds like your life beginning.
In the past year you have been an amazing friend to us all. You have provided support, many cups of tea, many laughs and, if I may say, the opportunity for us to laugh at you (breeding snails?)
We wish you loads of love and happiness in the future, you deserve it. Please keep being our neighbours (I promise to shut the windows more often.)
We love you loads

Stephen, Lucy, Ilona and Verity

11 Selina(Rach, the original one of this is fantastic as Selina made the title sparkle! I will email it to you! .)

My sparkly, spiritual friend Rachel

If I could be anyone’s friend,
I’d much rather be yours
We’re passionate vegetarians,
United for the animal cause

A true and loyal friend,
Always willing to listen and share,
And I know in times of crisis
You’ll take the time to show you care

You’re a very successful professional,
Principled, honest and smart,
But really, you love all things sparkly,
A true girly-girl at heart.

A true lover of chocolate
And partial to chedder cheese
Full of smiles and laughter,
A kind spirit and willing to please.

So, a very happy 40th
Enjoy your special day
At least you won’t have a hangover
With a baby on the way!

With lots of love

Selina xx

12 Sue Harrison Stole the number from your mobile. Called her when she was on a train. Most people are somewhat reserved on a train. When she heard what it was about, she couldn't hide her excitement. Got that reaction from a lot of people. It wasn't a duty, they wanted to be a part and you can see that in a lot of the things people have written about you!

Dear Rachel

As someone who has just reached 50, I can tell you that life really does get better after 40! And with the fabulous news that you and Alex will be having a new baby, your 40s are going to start on SUCH a high.
You and I have not known each for years, although we know so much about each other, we could have done… we don’t meet very often, but always feel that we have only just seen each other… we don’t write very often, but our correspondence is always spontaneous and warm.
We met through our work, but that isn’t why we have stayed in touch. I value your professional expertise and your personal support. On a professional level, we have spent several years bouncing ideas around, cutting and pasting documents and solving general problems for the benefit of our own organisations, sharing the load, whilst still being able to laugh about it all.
On a personal level, you have never failed to ask after Harry and, as you know, just lately, there has been some considerable trauma – and drama – in my life. For your support, understanding and advice, I am grateful.
As you will know when you read this, Alex asked a number of your friends, family and colleagues to write to you – I’m pretty certain that we all said ‘yes’ immediately and it was with great pleasure that I sat down to write this short note to you. So, on your 40th birthday, read the messages, bask in the praise and love that people are bestowing on you – and enjoy the tears and the laughter as you read them.

Much love.

Sue Harrison

13 Gaby

Love for another person is often brought on by how that person makes us feel about ourselves. That's how I came to love you, my sister-in-law, Rachel. From the very beginning you made me feel special. You only knew me through my brother's eyes but from our first meeting you embraced me with your arms and heart as if we'd always been been close.
Through the years those embraces have been felt across the ocean on many occasions. During happy and sad times you've always been a comfort. Your knack for saying just the right thing or not saying anything is a gift I'm happy to be the recipient of. Your love for your famliy and friends shows in your constant attention to being in the moment. When talking with you I always feel the world has slowed down just enough to really enjoy each other.
Happy Birthday to you Rachel!


14 Jane

Dearest Rachel,

I hope you have the most fantastic birthday, Honey! Tony and I will be thinking of you and knowing that you'll be enjoying yourself somewhere in the depths of the UK!
I also want to take this moment to thank you for being such a great friend to me... I sometimes can't quite believe that we've only known each other for what amounts to less than five years! I always think of us as being 'kindred spirits' and no matter where we'll be in the world at any time of our lives, we'll always be able to pick up the phone and carry on like it was yesterday that we last saw each other.
You've taught me so much - not least patience, tranquility of soul, acceptance, how to get rid of anger, a love of everything sparkly and girly, and how to put my make up on properly! Yes, we've shed tears and had tantrums along the way but I always carry a picture in my head of the two of us: surrounded by kids, partners and dogs, sitting in some gin-soaked haze, dressed in pinks, purples and sparkly bits (that's you!) on a beach somewhere..!
Love Ya babe!

Janie XX

15 Neil

The records show Rach was born in 67
Stonesfield claimed it was in heaven
Tho’ we know it’s to test her chums creative juices
To cobble a poem of great corn we fill our minds just like sluices

Not much is known pre year 2000
The time ran by like seas of sand
A lad’s arrival led the pack
Of Findlay, Tig but first was Jak

Blue Cross HR has been directed
Never mind at times so hectic
Her team she loves yet drives demented
And they in turn keep the pace unrelented

A floor above her finance work ever so humble
All is still – no not really – it’s just pre rumble
Of the two noisy bouncy types Neil and B
Voicing loud “just off for a pee”

How does she cope with neighbours very loud
She shouts abruptly – leaves them cowed
Not so her new man Ich Bin Alex
Half ist german der rest more Tex

Married in Blenheim yet only few years ago
They fit so well and go with the flow
Vast amounts are drunk of red wine
You’d think they’d wed at Woodstock in 69

Now my prose is lacking much vigour
The next line I can’t quite figure
Oh yes now I’ve got it - it runs quite well
Happy 40th Have fun Miss Rachel


16 Jacky and Colin

Hi Rachel,
Everyone says that life begins at 40, well in your case that is certainly 100% true. Jacky and myself have known you since you were a little girl and have watched you develop into a lovely woman, and mother and from what Alex tells us, a loving wife. We were amazed watching you as a young lady become a strong confident character, which has served you well as you developed your career. Rachel i do forgive you for taking your career path, ie HR.ahhhhhhh i am pleased to tell you i am now a retired union- rep.
Jacky has just told me that as a very young girl, you were disappointed that you were not a boy, gosh now there is a thought. In all seriousness have a great birthday and dont be afraid of 40, you are as old as the man you are feeling. Have a lovely day and I hope that whatever you wish comes true.
Lots of love Colin, Jacky, Vikki, Katie and Lucy, Oh and Tessa.

17 Peter

No, I can’t believe it either! I hope you have a really happy day on the 16th.
What ever was I thinking of in 1996? – 110 enquiries, 46 applications and I selected someone who submitted an application a day late because they had been on holiday in the Canaries! Hmmm, holidays, guess the writing was on the wall then.
I do think it’s important, Rach, to get on with people – especially if you’re going to work with them for more than a decade – and I’m lucky to be able to call you a friend. Looking at my interview notes (I shall deny this in court, of course) I see I wrote down 5 key words that have proved to be surprisingly accurate. Believe me, these were the words….
Determined. Your toughness and inner resilience are amazing - I recall you being abandoned by AK at the tribunal you ‘inherited’ and surviving verbal and physical intimidation in AK’s office because you were doing your job! (telephones being thrown?)
Practical. Starting almost from scratch, with no proper office and a refusal by AK for you to keep the p/files in HR! Later overcome by us moving the cabinet when he was away.
Professional. You are someone who knows her mind (!) and I recall at the very beginning that one of your aims was to achieve IIP – after you had driven through so many other important HR initiatives and reforms.
Articulate. By gentle persuasion you have shown managers what they can achieve. The growth in your department has been a classic case of reinforcing success.
Motivated. How many people would write a letter apologising for having been taken into hospital early to have a baby!
I could not know in 1996 what an extremely discreet person you are. On a personal level, you have always been a good sounding block; a patient listener (to bad jokes) and often a counsellor too! It was Mae West who said ‘Keep a diary, and someday it'll keep you.’ If you’re keeping one about the BX, no-one will believe you!
Happy Birthday!


18 Nicole

Liebe Rachel,
wir wünschen Dir eine Perle zu einer Kette schöner Erlebnisse.
Wir wünschen Dir einen Sonnenstrahl um den Augenblick zu genießen und sich ein wenig Zeit zu nehmen.
Wir wünschen Dir eine Melodie die Dich sorgenfrei macht und Dich entspannen lässt.
Wir wünschen Dir ein Band, das Dich mit einem guten Freund verbindet.
Wir wünschen Dir einen Regenbogen für Zuversicht und Hoffnung.
Wir wünschen Dir ein Schneckenhaus für Geborgenheit, dass immer jemand auf Dich wartet, wenn Du es brauchst.
Wir wünschen Dir eine Schublade um alte Erinnerungen zu verstauen.
Wir wünschen Dir Farben für Unbeschwertheit, Optimismus und Mut.
Wir wünschen Dir eine Sternschnuppe damit Du weißt, dass jemand an Dich denkt.
Wir wünschen dir alles Liebe und Gute zu Deinem 40sten Geburtstag und hoffen uns bald mal wieder zu sehen.
Liebe Grüße von Tim, Nils, Lena, Bobby und Nicole

19 Sebastian

Hello Rachel,

I wanted to wish you a very happy birthday. I hope you and my dad have a really good weekend. I also that the pregnancy is going well.
I passed my school exams, so I am very happy right now.
See you later this summer.

Viel glueck zum Gebuerstag (Best wishes for your birthday)


20 Rick Etkin (some of you might know him as the wedding photographer) Rick was the first one to get back to me. Again, no lack of thought or effort here. For those of you who don't know Rick, he gets into your heart in a hurry. He is that kind of person. Rick, we miss you being on the other side of the world from us!

Every once in a while you meet a person that makes you believe that
some parts of our lives can be altered in ways never expected. For me
it started 3 1/2 years ago with Alex making a decision to work with
me on a project without really knowing anything about me. One week
later he arrived in Vancouver with Rachel and their respective kids.
It was an immediate connection and friendship with them both. As each
piece of information about our lives fell into place over the course
of the 2 days, I knew things were going to be different. There was a
lot going on between Alex and Rachel, obviously a deep connection
that began on the internet! (something else I now have in common with
If I remember correctly, the trip to Vancouver was one of the first
with the kids where they could have time alone. Both Alex and Rachel
seemed to enjoy being here. Rachel and kids hung out with us at the
studio for a while and I was certainly impressed with how she was
involved with the kids and Alex and life in general. I am pretty
certain they all enjoyed themselves.
The first project led to travelling for Alex to places I had never
visited and a regular opportunity to keep in touch with his work and
personal life. Alex shared his engagement news with me and I had a
chance to congratulate Rachel via cellphone from Atlanta while I was
there with Alex.
It wasn't a great surprise that they were going to get married, just
the logistics of their lives was a challenge.... I also would have
thought Alex to be crazy if he didn't follow his heart to be with
such an vibrant, caring and beautiful woman as Rachel.
We were all able to spend a bit of time together in Berlin, partying
to the wee hours and that gave me more time to get to know Rachel.
Each time together I realized that she was not your average anything.
I am not sure I knew how old she was but the way she was dancing that
night, made me feel a little older....
The next time we spent as a group I had the privilege of attending
and photographing their wedding. Two people deeply committed to each
other and deeply in love in ways most will never know themselves. It
only confirmed what had suspected about Rachel when I first met her.
Since then we have kept in touch via email and reading blogs. Both
continued to reveal more about the person that Rachel is and how she
has made such strong commitments to Alex and the family.
Now I find out she is going to be 40..my life will never be the same.
I have to say that some people may never show or act their age...keep
it up ( or down as it seems ;-) )
Have a happy birthday Rachel !!! May the next 40 be as fun and youthful.
Cheers from the West Coast


21 Tom K.


When Alex asked if I would write a letter for your 40th birthday, my thoughts turned to the platypus.
Why? Well, when the strange creature was first “discovered”, most European experts thought is was some sort of hoax. After all, a platypus looks like someone stitched a duck-bill to a beaver; it lays eggs, but still nourishes its young with milk; and is one of the few mammals that produces venom (in a barb on the back of its foot). It’s one of nature’s reminders that we can’t always know what fits together.
Upon meeting you, it seemed that you and Alex might be an odd combination as well (although your kindness to animals did provide some explanation; Alex is big and furry enough to seem not quite human). Alex and I had been friends for a few years, and in that time, I’ve learned about a lot of the things he’s endured. Since I’ve already played zoologist, let me pretend to be a psychiatrist as well: I believe all the trials he has gone through in his life have made him analytical and cautious.
Mr. Briggs may be the most talented person I’ve ever met when it comes to understanding and sensing other people’s motivations. With that, of course, comes a certain guardedness, the practical notion that if a person seems too good to be true, then he or she probably is. In retrospect, the lens through which I first viewed you was colored not by Alex, but by my expectation that you would somehow share these traits. I didn’t think you would be a dark, brooding cynic, of course, but I did presume you would be reserved and protective of your emotions.

So imagine my surprise when he introduced you. My strongest memory is how open and affectionate you were, your feelings bare and your manner approachable, willing to show how you felt even at the risk of vulnerability. This lack of fear to exposure seemed to be the duck’s bill on the thick-hided animal formed by Alex’s experiences.
I believe that everything in evolution has a purpose. However crazy and out-of-place a platypus may seem, there’s probably a reason that it is the way it is. Now, of course, I see the beauty in what I first thought was a seemingly odd combination. As I said, Alex has a great knack for understanding others; and I believe it’s this skill that has drawn him to you. Instead of a lack of symmetry, what I see is a guy who has some scars, but has the insight to see that he has found someone who helps him trust his instincts, who he can confide in, and who can be his anchor through stormy weather. Though it may seem like an incongruous match, it’s an adaptation that leads to better life.
I hope you have a happy birthday, and many more. You are good for Alex, and I know he appreciates it by doing things like asking all of us to express that for him.
So in the end, everything fits, just as nature intended.


22 Anne

Dear Rachel,

Looking back at the few times we have seen each other I always remember your optimism and your warm and loving heart. Particularly I remember the first time we met – here in Herzo from where I am writing these words – you, Alex and Elena came to my house and the first thing I thought was – “isn’t it nice to hear a British accent” especially compared to Alex’s American accent.” And then I observed you in how you dealt with Elena and my gut feeling told me that you would be a nice stepmum.
And then came the wedding – and believe it or not your speech brought tears to my eyes. This was the first time I have cried at a wedding – the second time may come when my sister gets married in September. It really was the most romantic speech I have heard to this day – not even the famous speech at “Four Weddings and a Funeral” can match it.
Oliver, Caroline and I wish you all the love and happiness – because you deserve it.
I hope that we will see each other again soon. Until then I wish you a Happy 40th Birthday. And I wish you and Alex all the best with your little family.

Lots of Love

23 Lisa

Hello Rachel,

This story about Rachel is actually just slightly before my time.
When Rachel began working there, it wasn't long before she had to go off and represent them at an employment tribunal. The case involved an over -amorous worker at one of the centres who had been having an affair with both a manager and a maid (as I remember it). They all found out about each other, a physical fight between the two women ensued, and one of them was subsequently sacked. Unfortunately, she took the company to tribunal and the case made front page news in the tabloids, with said employee posing scantily clad and posing for the cameras. Rachel went off to the tribunal with a long since departed exec to represent the case. As I remember it, things didn't go well and Rachel to deal with the settlement and face the media. If I remember rightly she was even pursued to the ladies toilets and a microphone thrust under the door.
It was never a dull moment.
Take care and happy birthday,


24 Mother in law

Liebe Rachel zuerst will ich dir Mal sagen,wie schoen es ist dich in unserer Fam. zu haben, ich werde nie vergessen wie Alexander mich vor Jahren angerufen hat und sagte wie gluecklich er ist mit seinem Leben, und er haette es einer sehr huebschen Frau
aus England zu verdanken, der er ihr sein Herz schenkte, und sie
seine Traumefrau ist, und haette dazu hin auch einen suessen Jungen.
Dann sagte er ich wuerde dich bald kennen lernen.
Rachel,ich konnte es kaum erwarten, aber ich hatte auch ein wenig Angst
Ich dachte nie, dass es so schoen sein koennte wie es war, du warst so lieb und herzlich zu mir, und wir verstanden uns gleich.
Dein Soenchen Jak hatte ich gleich ins Herz geschlossen, so ein netter Junge.
Rachel es war herrlich anzusehen wie viel Liebe du fuer meine kleine
Enkeltochter Elena hattest, und ich konnte auch gleich sehen,wie viel
Alexande dir bedeutet.
That is mother in law on the left, mother on the right
Meine ganze Fam. war von dir und Jak begeistert, und Alexander
war uebergluecklich.
Rachel das schoenste Geschenk das Alexander und du mir je geben
konnte, war mir es moeglich zu machen, zu eurer Hochzeit zu kommen
Ihr habt mich so herzlichempfangen in deiner Heimat und deinem
Haus, und ich war so sehr erstaunt ueber deine lieben Eltern wie
lieb sie zu mir waren.
Eure Hochzeit war ein Maerchen,und es war das liebste von euch,
mich es mit euch zu teilen zu duerfen.
Nie in meinen wildesten Traeumen haette ich gedacht je einmal wieder
meine Heimat zu sehen, aber du lieber Rachel und Alexander machtest
das moeglich fuer mich.
Habe auch eine besondere Stelle im Herzen fuer dich Rachel, fuer die
Liebe die du fuer Sebastian und Elena hast.
Rachel kann dir kaum sagen was fuer eine himmlische Freude ich
habe zu wissen, dass du und Alexander ein Baby erwartet.
Ich koennte auf Wolken tanzen so freue ich mich, kann mir vorstellen,
dass das kleine Enkeltoechterlein so huebsch wie ihre Mama wird.
Du bist etwas ganz besonders in meinem Sohn seinem Leben ,und
als Mutter macht mich das sehr gluecklich.
Mit sehr viel Liebe und Dankbarkeit wuensche ich dir liebe Rachel
alles Gute zum 40. Geburtstag.
Deine Schwiegermutter


25 Sue Bancroft

Over the years I’ve got to know you and enjoy your company. You are funny warm, intelligent and beautiful, and one of those rare people that can balance life’s really difficult issues with a smile.
Thank you for being you.



26 Your team

Dear Rachel,

Here's to a happy 40th birthday. To a great boss from a great team!

Love from

Linda, Belinda, Hilary,Ian,Karen

27 Karen

A very happy birthday Rachel. Make sure you slow down and are spoilt during the celebrations, you deserve it.
I look forward to our playground chats, a few moments of laughter and
friendship during the chaos of the school run!

Karen x

28 Susan Nutter

Who Is Rachel . . .

Refreshing like a cool Autumn breeze,
Affection and compassion emcompass her being,
Character as strong as any Live Oak,
Heart brimming over with love,
Everyone enjoys her presence,
Love is the emotion she expresses best.

29 Thomas van Schaik
“It was 40 days ago today”

Dear Rachel,

Let me start by wishing you the very best of birthday’s. Warm congratulations!
After Alex invited, okay … “summoned”, me, to write you a short birthday letter, I quickly Google-ed “turning 40”. To my surprise, I found a lot of women find turning 40 a rather frightening experience.
Amazon.com offers books on the topic, there’s an online Top 40, on “why every woman should celebrate turning 40”, you can buy T-shirts online saying “I’m not 40, just 18 with 22 years of experience” and I even found a couple of self-help groups where women from around the globe attempt to come to grips with the unavoidable “big four-zero”.
I have no experience with turning 40, because I’m still young, but my online research pointed out some women need reassurance that they aren’t “really old” yet. “40 is not old; just ask anybody who’s already reached that age!”, “40 is the old age of youth”, “Age is mind over matter, as long you don’t mind, it don’t matter”, “When Mozart was 40, he had already been dead for two years!”.
40 is an age where you have a past you could look back at, but it is also a time in your life where there is so much more to look forward too, for you, especially this year. You are one of the most caring people I’ve ever met. Never underestimating the power of a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Care is the ingredient that keeps friendships alive despite separation, distance, or time. Caring sustains love, which is probably why it was so easy for Alex to find 40 people willing to personally congratulate you.
Hoping you will not only have a beautiful birthday, but wishing you the very, very best for (at least!!) another forty years!


PS: By the way, if you enjoy clicking: July 16th was officially appointed United States National Ice Cream Day by President Ronald Reagan.
Rachel stands for: "innocence and gentility of a rose" and may mean "lovely"

30 Eddie

To compose a letter about Rachel Briggs really takes the talents of Ernest Hemingway, Somerset Maugham, Charles Dickens, Alfred Hitchcock, Sarah Napthali and Groucho Marx combined. There are so many facets to this young lady that it is a waring blender mixture that comes out!
Wife, mother, housekeeper, step-mom, daughter, business woman, dog walker and diplomat are just a few of the many hats she wears. Although she is a lifelong vegetarian, she never fails to have my bacon and eggs on the table for breakfast whenever I'm a house-guest.
Rachel is unique (one of a kind). Her ability to keep everything and everyone on track while bubbling with joy and enthusiasm makes all around her catch the same spirit! We all anticipate the arrival of the newest Miss Briggs knowing she will share the same love and affection with the entire family!
Have a wonderful birthday with many more to come! May the most you wish for be the least you get.


31 Julie Pippert

The first thing that struck me about Rachel was how big her heart is. She speaks with such love about her husband and children.
She loves well. The next thing that struck me was her exuberance; even during a trying time, she kept up a cheerful nature, despite times of tears. She finds happy times, sees joy in events, in her life. She lives well.
It's a grace, a blessing to live and love well.
Happy birthday, Rachel! Many wishes for much joy as you love and live well.


32 Andy


I don’t know you very well yet but somehow I think I do. Maybe Briggsy thinks the same – otherwise why would he have asked me to write you a few words?
Most of what I know I’ve read, but it all adds up to someone special. You’re even prepared to shrug off my feeble attempts at humour, which is a superhuman virtue.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to Freddy perhaps stepping out with little Britney Briggs in a few years time and getting to know you and your (expanding) family much, much better.
Have a great birthday and see you soon!


33 Barbara

Dear Rachel

Wishing you a very happy day on what must be a very very special 40th Birthday. Hope you, Alex, Jak and baby Briggs have a wonderful day.

34 Aunt Pam

The special gift Rachel possesses is kindness of heart. From her earliest days, this manifested itself in her love of animals; she has always had a special relationship with dogs, horses, birds and all living creatures. Apart from her devotion to her family, this love of nature has been her guiding principle and she has found her proper niche in her work for the Blue Cross.
But it is not only animal welfare that rules her life; Rachel has a great gift for human relationships. She genuinely likes people has brought happiness to many. Life has not always been “a bowl of cherries” for her but she has not allowed any experiences to harden her heart or darken her outlook. She is now enjoying a happiness and serenity that is richly deserved and her generosity of spirit is reflected in the love and admiration of those around her.

35 Sherry

I don't know how I'm supposed to do this other than say what I feel.
I met you about seven months ago and I liked you very much right off the
bat.I could tell you are a kind and loving person and most of all the
love between you and Alex is very obvious.
Something good was needed after the sadness thats happened in our family and I think you are that something.
Not to mention the new baby Briggs coming and I know we're all happy
about that.
You have a wonderful Birthday,


36 Rich G.


Who’s that woman who comes round to my house?
Who’s that woman who comes round to my neighbour’s house?
Who’s that woman who leaves wet teaspoons in the sugar bowl?
Who’s that woman that keeps making my wife laugh?
Who’s that woman who keeps taking my wife out?
Who’s that woman who makes me feel like I haven’t grown up yet?
Who’s that woman that always makes the world seem a kinder place?
Who’s that woman who is always welcome in our lives?
Oh yes that’s Rach

Rich x

37 Rita

Liebe Rachel,

wir wünschen dir einen schönen Geburtstag und wir denken an dich .
Wende dein Gesicht der Sonne zu-
Dann fallen die Schatten hinter dich.

Ganz liebe Grüße von Joe, Rita und Familie
P.S. Wir hoffen uns bald mal wieder zu sehen.

38 Posybunny

Rachel, your willingness to share your joys and sorrows in "The Challenge of Life" has made my world a better
place. I appreciate your kindness and friendship and wish you a wonderful birthday and many blessings in the year
to come. --Posybunny

39 Jenny and John

Happy Birthday Dear Rachel
From your parents friends
We are honoured to contribute
Before our stay in Stonesfield ends

We wish you and Alex
Every best wish and success
Safe delivery of your baby
To complete your happiness

Your family has grown
Almost by the minute
Now there is Sebastian and Elena
also Jak and his new sister in it

Savour your birthday weekend
at popular Tintagel
enjoy these precious moments together
just Alex and Rachel

With greetings to you
on your 40th birthday
from your friends John and Jenny
From a land far away

Hare Mai (best wishes in Maori)

40 Herwig

Love conquers all

One of the first songs I ever learned by heart was from Hannes Wader, a German songwriter who has long been gone and only some people over there in Germany remember him. I was some six years old and the text caught me instantly. The song was called “Heute hier, morgen dort” and describes sort of a restless guy who is travelling around the world:
“Hab es selbst so gewählt, nie die Jahre gezählt, nie nach gestern und morgen gefragt.
Manchmal träume ich schwer und dann denk ich es wär Zeit zu bleiben und nun was ganz andres zu tun.
So vergeht Jahr um Jahr und es ist mir längst klar das nichts bleibt wie es ist wie es war…“
It never bothered him that most people he met he never saw again but he was hoping that maybe he will be remembered by some.
So I grew up and that song somehow never left my mind – I found it 25 years later on a CD and it made me think about my life.
At a certain point in my life I met your freaky husband Alex. And hearing that song again reminded me so much of him: about his life as a world traveller and his “we-are-getting-it-done-attitude” and about his good comradeship that he gave me. Believe it or not, at the beginning of my working life he was a great inspiration and mentor to me. He showed me the big world and was telling me stories about the most glamorous events that exist around the world: the Olympics, the Tour de France, and the Bambi at Cologne … to put it in a nutshell. Wow!
And there was that song again. He was travelling the world and on his way he met thousands of people. Some forgot about him but most people who met Alex do remember him very well. Every time I think of him, my thoughts put a smile on my face. Yes – he is one of a kind and his life is not easy to put in a box.
But you know what they say… In every man`s life there comes a time where you get “struck by the arrow of Cupid, by the Love of God or the beauty of a woman.” And sometimes this love brings thunder to your life and creates a storm…
In Alex`s life it was you, Rachel. Something that I never thought could happen to him, he got tamed. And there is only once a love like this. You brought him the thunder in his life. And every time he talks about you there is fire in his eyes.
And today the master who tamed the beast turns 40. I guess it is rude to say that to such a lovely young woman as you are – so why don’t we pretend, that today you celebrate your second 20th birthday. This sounds more polite I guess to most people… But to be honest, I think this would not be a very good idea… Think about it: If you were to celebrate your 20th today, Alex would be much younger as well. A wild dog, restless and fearless to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, travelling from Texas to whatever spot you can find in the world… No, this is something you don’t need. Sorry – but it was a not thought through thought… So we stick with the 40.
Forty in fact is a very interesting number from a mathematical point of view: A so-called semi perfect number, if you add up some subsets of its divisors (e.g. 1, 4, 5, 10 and 20). It is as well an octagonal number – and as the sum of the first four pentagonal numbers, it is a pentagonal pyramidal number… But this is not the right way to describe your day either…
Lets try to take a look at your 40th from another point of view: In the Christian religion the number plays a very important role, since 40 years was the general opinion of being a generation (as most of the Israelite leaders and kings are said to have ruled that period of time, like Saul, David and Solomon…). But it was also the time Moses spent on Mount Sinai (40 days and nights…) and it is the same period it rained during Noah’s flood (1.Moses 7.12). And Jesus himself is said to have spent forty days and nights fasting in the wilderness, after he was tempted by Satan – and it was again the same period of time from Jesus´ resurrection till his ascension into heaven… But even if “forty” seems a quite important number from that point of view – it does not long to describe the relation between you and the magic number.
The “average” pregnancy last 40 weeks – but this does not give me a link to describe your day. Maybe it is more about the good time that I spent with you. And there pops the classic Russian vodka to my mind, with its alcohol content of 40%...
Yes, “40” seems a very important number in our lives. But regardless of how many parallels I can think of, that all does not help to describe the importance for me and the happiness I have to know you as a person. Because you are a very special person. Not only because you are the only one to tame Alex but also because in the very little time I got to know you, I felt as most likely everybody does who is meeting you: Comfortable.
There was an instant connection, no difficulties, lots of fun and somehow I felt like being with a good friend that I have been knowing for as long as I know Alex. Unfortunately it has been too long that we have not seen each other since the last time. It was at your wedding - and what a great event that was… The freezing cold of those hot summer nights England is famous for got blown away by the warmth of you, Rachel. It is the warmth that one can feel during those summer storms – where the average person feels the warmth (- and only Alex got hit by your thunder).
Dear Rachel, all the best for your birthday! And even the saying “life begins at 40” doesn’t think of the number at all. There is no possibility to describe your kindness, your strength, your warmth, your sweetness with a simple number. It is something people are gifted with – and I just pray that 40% of the world’s population would be like you. Imagine: No more hate and war; only freedom and love because each one of those 40% could easily strike and tame the left over 60%. In this way you’re a role model – to everybody you meet.

A big hug, Herwig

41 Ellen

Hello Rachel,

you lovely, beautiful, soul! When we met, amidst your wedding details, I felt an immediate kinship with you. As we talked, and as I perused your bookshelves, I realized we shared a lot of common ground spiritually. At the time, I wished I lived in your community, so that we could have the opportunity to build a friendship. Since then, by the miracle of the web ( a miracle you know so well!), we have shared with each other some of the intimate details of our lives, as well as dreams for our lives. And now, one of your BIG DREAMS is coming true! A new baby for Alex and you!!!
WOW!!! YAY!!! I have congratulated you before, but it's worth repeating again, and again!!! WOW!!! YAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS! HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY YEAR RACHEL!

Okay, so you're 40..... should I offer a few timely warnings???
Hmmm.... or perhaps let the surprises gently fall into your consciousness (and body.....). Okay, perhaps I'm talking about my own untimely choice to spend the summer of my 40th birthday eating Haagen Daas dark chocolate covered vanilla ice cream bars, but I do know for a fact that the small print size of every map
and product is not of my doing (since I moved out of the graphic design industry and into photography)!
Live it and love it all Rachel! With each new decade there are changes to embrace. (I hear 50 is the POWER decade!)
I love ya girl, I wish you well during this spectacular time in your

Ellen(still seeking my prince!)

42 Mark Ryan

I first met Rachel the day before she married Alex… so it was too late to warn her away by then!
Alex Briggs is a mystery to me. For the life of me I can’t understand what he does. In fact (secretly) I wonder if he ever really does anything at all…
My first encounter with Mr Briggs - an impossibly tall, and surprisingly disconsolate -looking (at the time) American - was in a stairwell in Soho. Nothing more glamorous or risqué than a stairwell in a design agency based in Soho I hasten to add! He was The Client, and the client was Adidas (or is that adidas?). From memory (and to my embarrassment) the cocaine-fuelled MD of the agency immediately tried to ‘blag’ a pair of retro trainers from Alex. As I have since found to be the case in most situations with Briggs, he delivered. Not just for the MD, but for most of the agency! We were only a small team, but he won the undying adoration of the designers for that one! Roland Garros Interactive DVD I believe it was – and a good job too!
Since that time we’ve kept in touch (I stalked him … globally!)> He often had that haunted look, but I’ve since discovered that it’s usually caused by a hangover. I’ve come to know a highly skilled drinker, the most talented organiser of impromptu nights out, and a great friend. It’s at this point where things start to get speculative and a bit personal … so apologies in advance Mr Briggs if I cause offence.
Beneath the jocular veil of laughter, and his constant desire to move on to the next thing – this bonhomie, I had always felt that something wasn’t quite right with Briggs. In quieter moments Alex always seemed, well, quite down actually.
He has talked on occasions of his life, what took him from his native USA, his career in Germany/ Europe/ The World. Although he has always spoken in loving terms of his children, there were very few references to any partners. There were several occasions on trips either to Germany, or when he was in London, that I sensed an intense unhappiness in Alex. We never spoke of it, but his comments after one particularly chaotic evening have always stayed with me. I rushed from a restaurant one night, when I realised the time, and that I could just make the last train home. Calling to check and make sure I had caught the train, Alex made a warm comment about the fact that I was so keen to get home “… I wish I had that Man …” or something to that effect. He seemed a very sad person at that time.
So it was with some pleasure that a couple of years later rumours began to circulate that Briggs had “met someone”.
The full details of Alex’s incredible meeting with Rachel didn’t actually emerge (for us) until the day of the wedding. Believe it or not, as the story unravelled that day, the reasons for the change in Alex over the previous two years became blatantly obvious – he had met and fallen completely in love with someone who we (Jackie and I) believe to be the Love of his Life. An amazing story, impossible love … and explanations of all those trips to the UK that Alex always had to make!
Rachel is a constant source of wonderment to me. We have only met once or twice, but we speak often. I usually wait until I know Alex is out … then I call to flirt ferociously with her on the phone. Sadly it never works – I just don’t have the accent or that Briggs thing going on!
In the few years we’ve spoken, I’ve come to know a stubbornly bubbly and inspirational person. Nothing ever seems too bad, and nothing ever seems to get her down. Her love and trust for Alex is unconditional that it is easy to understand what has made Alex so happy. The change in him is dramatic to say the least. Suddenly he’s at home of an evening. Suddenly it’s weekends with the kids. Suddenly it’s “I’d quite like a normal job … closer to home…!” I understand he’s also become pretty lightweight in the all-night drinking stakes as well…
Rachel’s enthusiasm and happiness is so infectious. Her desire to light up every corner of her life, to create harmony, and more than anything to bring laughter seems to have really rubbed off on Mr Briggs. I have never seen a man more happy or proud on his wedding day. I have rarely witnessed such a positive change in a person.
Some pretty horrific shit has happened in Alex and Rachel’s life since that time … and a lot of amazingly good shit too. I’m convinced that without Rachel to support him, Alex would have crumpled.

“What shall we do next?”

“A baby?”

“Why not?”

You can just imagine the conversation…
So a new chapter opens soon in the Briggs Book of Implausible Stories and Impossible Dreams.
Mr Briggs – now you have it Man – NEVER let it go. Take a tip from me - leave the restaurant early. You’ll only get locked out!

Love you Rachel.

Happy Birthday

Mark, Jackie, Charlotte and Emily

Look to this day...

For yesterday is but a dream

And tomorrow is only a vision...

But today well-lived

Makes every yesterday a dream

of happiness and every tomorrow

a vision of hope.

43 Your Husband

I have embarked down this route to create a unique birthday gift for you on your 40th. I expected it to be a series of phone calls and emails with some people saying yes, some saying no, yet others saying yes and then not doing it!
What I didn’t expect was the reactions of people, not to the idea, but to their part. I didn’t expect the excitement and pure joy that some of you have expressed at the idea of being able to contribute. Sue M., you were on a train when I called, and still you showed the emotion that let me know you already had something in mind. Rick, you were the first one to send something through, and when I read it, I knew this was going to work beyond my wildest dreams.
Others called me or emailed me, a bit nervous about saying too little or too much, or not the right thing. I never felt it was a duty to anyone whose words you read here, quite the opposite, most saw it as an honour and one they didn't take lightly!
This process has shown me how much people actually enjoy communicating the way that they feel about someone they genuinely like. We spend our lives signing birthday cards for work colleagues and never knowing what to write, looking at what the others have written, then choosing some semi-sincere words. Rach, when you read all of this, you will see that you have touched a lot of people in your life. Even Tom K, which is truly a landmark occasion!
I have never been prouder of you than now, seeing how much people care about you and wanted to be a part of your birthday.
I have only known you the last four years of your 40, a mere 10% of your life. Not much when I think of all of the memories that we have already created together. As much as I have enjoyed the last four years, they pale in comparison to how much I am looking forward to the next 40!
I will do my best to get this group back together for your 80th! I am sure you will bring an additional 40 people into our lives between now and then!
I love you,
Your loving husband,


44 India Marie

Even though you are only 40, there is one new person set to enter your life very soon and instantly become a major part of it. This site, nor any part of your life would be complete without her. Shall we imagine what her words here would be?

Dear Mum,

I do not need to read the kind words that everyone has written here,
I do not need to read of stories told of your younger days
I do not need to examine the smiles in the faces of those that are near,
I do not even need to hear that they all love you in so many ways
No, I only need to hear your heart beating next to mine,
Feel your hand gently stroke your tummy looking for me
Feel the excitement when I move and you know I am fine
For,I may be in the dark now, but your love and heart clearly I see"

Your daughter, India Marie

Happy 40th Birthday. Never underestimate how many lives you touch and how important you are to all of us, we love you and hope that you have a lovely birthday. I will not venture to tell you that I love you more than anyone else in this world, as a small person named Jak would say "that's fighting talk."